Sheila Babauta

As a young professional in the CNMI, my journey began as a student of the Public School System, graduating from Kagman High School then continuing my education at Kapi’olani Community College and the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, where I studied Finance and International Business. Gaining experience in the workforce in Honolulu then in Washington state broadened my perspective and allowed me to acquire skills that helped me succeed in leadership positions. In 2016 I returned to Saipan, joined the workforce, volunteered in my community, and explored the natural beauty of our Marianas – reawakening my love, respect, and responsibility for our homeland.

Working Roles


Chairwoman – Natural Resources Committee

Floor Leader – Saipan & Northern Islands Legislative Delegation (SNILD)

Vice-Chairwoman – Education Committee

Member – Ways & Means, Health & Welfare, Official Conduct and Ethics Special committee, House Rules Committee, SNILD Rules Committee


Chairwoman – Friends of the Marianas Trench

Board Secretary – Our Common Wealth 670

Climate Justice Weaver – Micronesia Climate Change Alliance

Organizer – Pride Marianas Youth

Finance Committee Member – 500 Sails

Our Expenditures

Overall, the Office spent a total of

Personnel is our largest expense totaling $45,776. The amazing talent in our Office allows for quality results and services. Properly compensating our team is a worthwhile investment in the CNMI’s future. 

We spent approximately $24,567 on Community Programs and Activities including the Intern on the Hill Program, road maintenance, and repair work, public announcements and printing expenses for community activities. 

Our Office receives various requests for donations to support community events. We spent $12,625 on Community and Nonprofit Donations contributing monetary support, bottles water, food, and rented tables and tents, among other items.

Office Operations and Travel account for office supplies, printing costs, training and development, and legislative matters. Both of these categories amounted to $10,564 and $4,451, respectively

Sheila Jack Babauta